Wednesday, February 18, 2009

TJ Allen Peterson

Oh, where do I start?? He is such a busy little guy. Always tring to learn new things. He keeps me going all day. I love him so much. He has such a sweet tender little heart and he loves his baby brothers so so much. He watches me with them a lot and is picking up way fast on how to help take care of them. He will try to unbuckle them out of their car seats and he will try to pick them up off the floor. He is doing it the right way and putting his hands behind their necks and what not. But he is still so small that it scares me sometimes, He is just too smart. He is starting to learn a lot of words. Such as, Momma, Dadda, Wow, Oh Man, Drink, More, Dog. And the list just goes on and on, Lol!! His favorite words are No Momma. When he is tired and ready for his nap or its bedtime, he always says night night. Its so cute. He loves bath time, which is always a good thing when they enjoy their baths. He is 2 1/2, which in no time he will be ready to start preschool. He maybe ready but i wont be..

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